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Welcome Corps

About Welcome Corps

In January 2023, the U.S. Department of State, in coordination with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, launched the Welcome Corps, a new program that empowers everyday Americans to welcome refugees arriving through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).

For more than 40 years, the Department of State has partnered primarily with non-profit resettlement agencies to provide initial resettlement assistance to newly arriving refugees. The Welcome Corps creates new opportunities for Americans in communities across the United States to engage directly in refugee resettlement, building on existing opportunities to volunteer with resettlement agencies.

Welcome Corps will allow groups of friends, coworkers, congregation members—anyone in the community—to form Private Sponsor Groups, who help refugees find and furnish their first apartment, get a job, improve their English skills, enroll their children in school, and connect with community services.

The International Institute has been accepted as a Private Sponsor Organization (PSO) that will support these sponsor groups as they carry out their welcoming activities.

Welcome Corps Logo

Become a Private Sponsor Group

Welcome Corps allows groups of friends, coworkers, congregation members—anyone in the community—to form Private Sponsor Groups (PSG), who help refugee families find and furnish their first apartment, get a job, improve their English skills, enroll their children in school, and connect with community services. The International Institute has been accepted as a Private Sponsor Organization that will support these sponsor groups as they carry out their welcoming activities.

Private Sponsor groups must be:

  • 5 to 10 individuals who will welcome and support refugees for 90 days
  • Each over 18 years old
  • Live in the same community
  • Citizens or legal permanent residents

A PSG will raise funds and collect donations or funding to support the refugee or refugees at $2,475 for each person sponsored. The group will provide a specific set of services during the 90-day period.

Let us know if you’re interested in joining a PSG or if your group is ready to apply. We’ll help you through the process!

Informational Sessions

Attend an upcoming Welcome Corps Information and Application session hosted by the International Institute.

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Contact Us

Contact the International Institute’s Welcome Corps Lead Advocates, Brian Barlay and Kelly Moore.