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Thank you for your interest to connect with our refugee and immigrant job-seeking candidates at IISTL. We are overwhelmed with the outpouring of support from the community and area employers, and are grateful for the interest in partnering with our team. Our candidates are diverse in skills, experience, needs, and availability, and we do our best to match our candidates to relevant roles in various positions and industries. We typically seek to partner for full-time and benefited roles well above minimum wage to ensure economically stability for our candidates.

We expect our candidate pool to grow in the coming months and certainly over the next year. We are happy to learn more about the positions you may be seeking to fill via our Job Order form (accessed in the box below), and if we are not able to provide referrals at this time, we will file for future connection as applicable.

Our team is going through restructuring at this time, and is doing our best to respond as timely as possible, though our response may be slightly delayed as we navigate these busy times. We thank you for your interest in expanding your workforce and partnering with the Workforce Solutions team now and in the future.

Workforce Solutions

Our Workforce Solutions Job Placement team connects our diverse, motivated candidates to a variety of opportunities in the St. Louis Region, from entry level to professional positions within a variety of industries. Our candidates are immigrants and refugees living in the City and County of St. Louis, have diverse backgrounds and educational experiences, and have work authorization.

Our screening and referral services are offered at no fee to the employer or the job seeker.

Job Placement

Connecting strong candidates to your business.

Seeking qualified, diverse candidates to grow your team? Connect with a Job Developer.

Our services include assessment, orientation, job readiness classes, case management, placement, and follow up.

Employment Preparation and Services include:

  • Job search
  • Application preparation assistance
  • Resume assistance
  • Interview techniques and practice
  • Referral to job placement
  • Understanding US workforce norms (shifts, pay, employee rights and responsibilities. etc.)
  • Job coaching for employment success

Our Job Development team works with employers across industries and positions to provide targeted referrals of our candidate pool for a variety of entry level and professional roles. We offer our services at no fee to the employer or our candidates, and pre-screen candidates individually prior to referral for consideration to maximize best possible fit for both employee and employer.  Are you interested to connect with our Job Development team to source diverse, qualified candidates to grow your team? Please, fill out this form.