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Vulnerable Populations

We provide intensive services to eligible foreign-born populations experiencing complex adjustment issues as well as present a barrier to accessing necessary services.

Populations served include individuals experiencing challenges with such issues as:

  • Aging
  • Medical
  • Mental Health
  • Crime (i.e. domestic violence, human trafficking)
  • Disabilities (i.e. physical, developmental)
  • Family conflict

Program services focus on:

  • Screenings/assesment
  • Case Management
  • Individual therapy
  • Life Skills and Literacy Education
  • Support
  • Socialization

We offer individual, group and family-centered services with an emphasis on post-traumatic stress, grief, depression and other responses related to migration-related trauma. We are a member of the Care Access for New Americans (CANA) mental health referral system for foreign-born individuals founded by the St. Louis Mental Health Board (MHB).

We co-facilitate the Eastern District of Missouri Human Trafficking Task Force (HTTF) with St. Louis County Police Department and the US Attorney’s Office.  The mission of the HTTF is to prevent and respond to human trafficking in the Federal Eastern District of Missouri through seamless collaboration between law enforcement, service providers, and community members. Task Force members recognize that cooperation between law enforcement and service providers is integral to the provision of a comprehensive and victim-centered response to human trafficking and actively seek to implement this approach when working on human trafficking cases.

Help is Available

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911. Report a tip and access a list of Local and National Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers.